The craft

My first job out of college was as an apprentice to a picture framer. It was 25 years ago and in many ways, it has

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OKR ourselves first

OKRs (or any other focus framework) are treated by leaders like tools instead of the “mindset interfaces” they are. Leaders are looking at the integration

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Recalculate route

We all want a sense of confidence that we know exactly where we’re going. But if there is one thing I painfully learned in more

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So… 1st 2021 month out of 12 has passed. How many times during Jan did your team manage to impact the goal they’re driving? How

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Care Bears

Startup founders are expected to create something new and original in this world that often requires a new way of thinking, sometimes a complete human

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Praise vs. Encouragement

Without belief, no change can happen. This is what makes encouraging such an important coaching/leading/parenting skill. But there is a huge difference between praising and

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The craft

My first job out of college was as an apprentice to a picture framer. It was 25 years ago and in many ways, it has

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OKR ourselves first

OKRs (or any other focus framework) are treated by leaders like tools instead of the “mindset interfaces” they are. Leaders are looking at the integration

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Recalculate route

We all want a sense of confidence that we know exactly where we’re going. But if there is one thing I painfully learned in more

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So… 1st 2021 month out of 12 has passed. How many times during Jan did your team manage to impact the goal they’re driving? How

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Care Bears

Startup founders are expected to create something new and original in this world that often requires a new way of thinking, sometimes a complete human

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Praise vs. Encouragement

Without belief, no change can happen. This is what makes encouraging such an important coaching/leading/parenting skill. But there is a huge difference between praising and

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