How do I know I’m going in the right direction?
One of the questions I find myself asking repeatedly is “What would you ask yourself at the end of each week, before the weekend arrives, to know that you did a great job this week?”
The question never fails because when we look for that question we discover that behind all the noise and clutter of the day to day each of us has a reason we do what we do…
What I love about this question is that it is really effective on all levels: As a company, as a team, and as an individual contributor?
We all need to know if we’re going in the right direction and finding our “GPS question” really helps to navigate.
The question I ask myself each week to know I’m on the right direction is: “Is there anyone in the world that believes in themselves and their ability to change their world more than they did last week?”
If the answer is yes I do my best to take it in and appreciate the work I’m doing and then I slide into the weekend knowing I’m on my path…
What is your question?