“I do” might be the most powerful combination of words in the English language. What is incredible in these 3 letters is that they marry commitment and action in a way that no other words do. These 3 letters come with everything you need to accomplish anything you dream of.

But if you want them to work you have to read the fine print.
- “I” is never really about me. It is always about the others who are impacted but what “I” do. Whos life do I impact? How are their lives better because of what “I do”?
- Without vows “I do” is useless. What is it that you do? So before you say “I do” take time to write your vows. Not to your wife, not to the world, to yourself. Ask yourself what do you want the people who loved you to say about you when you’re gone and write it down, vow to become that person. It is as simple as that.
- “Do” is something I actually do. Remember “There’s no such thing as love; only proof of love”. Your actions mirror what is important to you. So look at your actions. Not the ones you want to do, the ones you are already doing today, and ask yourself “Do my actions today reflect what is important to me?”.
- “I do” is not a one-off. “I do” is the first thing you tell yourself when the alarm clock rings at 5:30 am and you fight that snooze button. I do is the last thing you say to yourself before you go to sleep, as you lie there in bed in the dark staring in the ceiling, and all your self-doubt creeps in. “I do” is what you tell yourself when that moment comes an doing what is important to you requires courage.
So whether you’re a husband or a wife, whether your an entrepreneur building your company or whether you’re any person fighting to create the version of the future they want for themselves. These 2 short words are everything you need.
I Do.